A singer of songs

A broken heart and no place to call home. That’s all it took for Lieven Scheerlinck to start writing songs under the moniker a Singer of Songs in 2008. He wrote and home-recorded the songs in the moment, without second takes, trying to get the original emotion on tape. He never thought of sharing his music with anyone, but somehow the songs found their own way into the world. Lieven was listening to Johnny Cash compulsively at the time, so it wasn’t hard to come up with a band name. Heart-break kept doing its hard work, and Lieven released 5 albums: “I Dig For Gold” (2008), “Old Happiness” (2010), “There Is A Home For You” (2013), “From Hello To Goodbye” (2014) and “Fading” (2016). Tired of navel-gazing and writing about himself, in 2019 he released “Portraits”, his sixth album, with portraits of the people that surround him. In between Lieven has also released two collaborative EP’s (“Little Notes” with Tiny Ruins in 2010 and “Among Horses I” with Withered Hand in 2017). He has toured around Europe several times and also found some time to co-found his own record label Son Canciones.


“Lo-fi lullaby folk that falls on the ears as gently as snowflakes”
“Historias melancólicas contadas con talento.”
“It’s music like this that brightens my mind and makes me walk lighter through the day.”
“Like a warm blanket you want to put over you after a bad day. It’s haunting and sweet but there is a tinge of despair laced within it.”
“A deep whisper of Barzin and Damien Jurado, a dusty atmosphere which seems to refer to a Conor Oberst stripped of emphasis.”